Hello everyone. I'm happy to announce the blog has finally achieved 100k views. Thank you all very much, I probably wouldn't have gotten this far without the great feedback you've been giving.
Right now I want to take a little break before continuing St.Irene Series 2 and focus on improving render quality. The image above is an early experiment I did using Blender's Cycles engine. I think these results are impressive considering the light setup was very simple and I didn't know what I was doing at the time.
So I'm going to spend a little time getting familiar with blender and see if it's a viable option to use for the comic.
In the meantime I'll post updates and other image sets. Right now I'm working on a sequel to the "Girl and Her Avatar" set I did a while back. That should be done in a few days.
Also I added a poll to the blog, so please vote and tell me what you want to see more of. I'm always open to suggestions.