Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Girl and her Avatar

This set is a continuation of an image I posted on deviantart called "Meet your Avatar". I decided to post the rest here ( thanks to Nightfall for the suggestion). Let me just repeat that all characters on this blog are meant to be 18 or older despite appearances. Put a petite woman next to a 6'5" Night Elf and theres gonna be an obvious size difference. This set has 14 images (6.6 mb).

Friday, January 18, 2013

Chapter 3: Blind Date

Ok chapter 3, done. Finally we get to see some action. Up til now it's been more story than sex. It was a long wait, but it was necessary because I wanted the characters to be "real". So what happens in chapter 3? Lisa and Miaka finally get some attention. Also we see a kind of friendship emerge between Kimberley and Denise. I'll admit their relationship is kind of weird and hard to explain; they're basically friends who happen to give each other oral sex (oh that was easier to explain than I thought).

Sunday, January 13, 2013

So many faces

Over the course of the last two years or so, I've spent a lot of time in Daz Studio just playing around with faces. Most of the time the results aren't that attractive, but every once in a while you manage to create something pretty. So here's a little image set of the more successful faces I've made. If you're a Daz artist and happen to see something you like, I'm more than happy to share the character morphs used to make that character. Meanwhile SISFG is in the works and should be done sometime this week.