Friday, November 8, 2013

Left Overs

Here is a small collection of random extra bits I never intended to share because they're mostly just test renders or stuff I might use in the future. Total of 47 images. This month I'll finish chapter 16, and I'll try to think of something to do for thanksgiving. (I'm open to suggestions)


  1. Nice collection of misc art, I can see some rather fantasy based ideas in there.

    1. Yeah I had a lot of ideas for stuff I might put in the fantasy comic. I don't think I'll do a centaur/girl scene because posing the human and horse models together is way too difficult. But I think there will be plenty of monster and demon sex. Also I'll try to have some good action scenes as well.

    2. Sounds like a plan mate, looking forward to anything you put together :)

  2. I think the centaur stuff has some real promise, girls riding school sort of situation, and the succubus stuff is pretty groovy too!

    1. I really did enjoy doing the centaur pics. The problem was posing the human and horse models together. I don't know...I might be able to do some kind of Centaur x girl scene in the fantasy comic.
